Namibia 2001

Namibia Factfile
Getting to Namibia
Maps of Namibia
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Desert Landscape
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Namibia Group

The Expedition Members

Rob v d Leeden (explain the hat someone!)

dave kinlan - looking like some sort of terrorist!

Hayo under the funny hat



Pete with Foreign Legion hat on

Martin in confusing head dress

Siebrich our support crewmember

Jan hiding his burnt face in the van

The Expedition was primarily planned by Rob van der Leeden, six months of planning resulted in 2 weeks of unforgettable flying. It would not have been so succesful without the help of all involved, special thanks to all involved for making it such a memorable adventure:

Rob v d Leeden
Martin Remmers
Henk Spiekman
Hayo Leeuwen
Cornelia Spijkstra
Jan Bekkers
Piet Balder
Dave Kinlan
Siebrich Dijkema

All the photos on this Website are from Martin, Siebrich, Rob and myself.